Convert .ogv file to .mp4, .webm, .avi in Linux using ffmpeg

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Convert .ogv file

To install the ffmepg package, open your terminal and enter the following command. You will be prompted for your password. sudo apt-get install ffmpeg Once the package has been installed CD to the directory of where your .ogv file is located, and enter the following command below.

Replace {filename} with the filename you wish to convert, and replace new_filename with the new name for the mp4 file:

ffmpeg -i {filename}.ogv {new_filename}.mp4

If you wanted to convert your .ogv file to .webm format you would use the following command

ffmpeg -i {filename}.ogv {new_filename}.webm

If you wanted to convert your .ogv file to .avi format you would use the following command

ffmpeg -i {filename}.ogv {new_filename}.avi

We have only just skimmed the surface of what is achievable using ffmepg. For further information click on the related link below. AVI to MKV using FFmpeg:

ffmpeg -i <filename>.avi -vcodec ffv1 -acodec pcm_s16le <filename>.mkv
mencoder file.avi -ovc -oac -o output.mkv

и еще один вариант тут: несколько вариантов...

  • Максимальное сжатие video:
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vcodec h264 -acodec aac output.mp4